Devon Tour

A mixed team of ‘senior’ but young at heart golfers from Peripatos and Old Thorns played a match against Sidmouth GC on Wednesday 15th May 2019, winning 4.5 : 2.5. The score was not important; the sun was out, the views across Sidmouth and the Jurassic coast were fabulous and golfing friendship were the run away winners.

Martyn Boyce & Sally Heath present Sidmouth ‘senor’ captains with an Old Thorn flag signed by Peter Allis.

On Tuesday the advance guard played at Lyme Regis, a pleasant and enjoyable club and course, great value and sandwiches. On Thursday after the rear guard, or rump of the team popped over to Axe Cliffe GC, a course requiring a strong pair of legs and good sense of awareness as the fairways crisscrossed over the hills.

A big thank you to Sally Heath and Rob Brookshaw who organised the tour and weather. Let Sally know where she is to take us next!

If any of those on the tour have photos that they are prepared to share would you send them to Thank you